Capitol (United States) 7" Single #4323 — Product Details

A “product” is a given combination of label name, label country, catalog number and format. Below are details on all known elements and variations of the Capitol label’s United States release of catalog number 4323 in 7" Single.


7" Single — United States

Capitol (US 45s: 2000-5705 (1967-1987))

Catalog # Version Description M-Value Year PP Have Want Market Guide(s)
P-4323 (v1)(p)(m/s)

Rock'N Me // Rock'N Me

A-Side: Rock'N Me Steve Miller (1) 3:05
B-Side: Rock'N Me Steve Miller (1) 3:05
Orange labels with "NOT FOR SALE" and "Manufactured by Haworth Enterprises" on top of labels
0 0 $
4323 (v2)

Rock'N Me // Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma

A-Side: Rock'N Me Steve Miller (1) 3:05
B-Side: Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma Steve Miller (1) 4:43
(la/pr-v1) Orange labels stock issue with "Manufactured by Haworth Enterprises" on top of labels
(la/pr-v1.1) With "Sailor Music ASCAP (from the LP "FLY LIKE AN EAGLE" ST-11497" above spindle hole on A-side label
(la/pr-v1.1.1) With "Sailor Music ASCAP (from the LP "THE JOKER" SMAS-11235)" above spindle hole on B-side label
0 0 $
(la/pr-v1.1.2) With "Haworth Enterprises ASCAP (from the LP "THE JOKER" SMAS-11235)" above spindle hole on B-side label
0 0 $
(la/pr-v1.2) With "Sailor Music ASCAP" right of spindle hole and "(from the LP "FLY LIKE AN EAGLE" ST-11497)" left of the spindle hole
(la/pr-v1.2.1) With "Sailor Music ASCAP" right of spindle hole on B-side label
0 0 $
(la/pr-v1.2.2) With "Haworth Enterprises - ASCAP" right of spindle hole on B-side label
0 0 $
(la/pr-v2) Purple labels stock issue with "MANUFACTURED BY SAILOR PRODUCTIONS" on top of labels
0 1 $
4323 (v3)

Rock'N Me // Living In The U.S.A.

A-Side: Rock'N Me Steve Miller (1) 3:05
B-Side: Living In The U.S.A. Steve Miller (1) 4:01
Orange labels stock issue with "Manufactured by Haworth Enterprises" on top of labels
(la/pr-v1) With "Produced by Steve Miller" right of spindle hole
0 0 $
(la/pr-v2) With "Produced by Steve Miller" left of spindle hole
0 0 $
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